Who are we ?

asWe Studios is much more than just a graphic and digital creation studio. It's the story of a passion, a childhood dream that has come true. This is the story of Jimmy Nelson, founder and creative soul of asWe.

It all started with Jimmy Nelson, a 10-year-old boy who was already answering the question "what do you want to do next?" with a clear and precise answer: to be a programmer analyst. This passion for creation and technology never stopped growing in him, until he decided to make this passion his profession.
Passionate about design and packaging, at the age of 20, he realized another of his childhood dreams by studying at an Anglo-Saxon university (Coventry University). It was there that he discovered the depth of the creative process. For him, design is not just about aesthetics: it's a way to express emotions, tell stories and touch people in the depths of their being.

Over time, Jimmy has developed real expertise in the field of graphic design and web design, learning to master dedicated tools and techniques.

Thus was born asWe, a creative studio that goes beyond mere aesthetics. We work with passion and dedication to create designs that tell a story, touch the emotions and inspire others. We are here to help people express their personality, their message, their brand through graphic design, web design, UI/UX and much more.

At asWe, we believe that every company, every brand, every person has a unique story to tell.

We are here to help you tell yours with passion and creativity.